Blogs from August, 2016


Have you been experiencing pain in your foot or heel whenever you walk around or stand for an extended period of time? Does it feel noticeably sharper in the morning, right as you get out of bed? Has this pain become so persistent that you are starting to think it is just a natural part of aging? If you answered yes to all three of these questions, you may be suffering from a common condition known as plantar fasciitis.

Along the bottom of your foot, a thick webbing of flexible tissue stretches between your toes and your heel, forming the arch of your foot. This tissue is called the plantar fascia. Despite its durability and flexibility, the tissue can start to wear down as the years go by. When it becomes too thin, torn, or inflamed, it causes plantar fasciitis, or the pain and tenderness felt along the bottom of the foot.

Millions of Americans will develop plantar fasciitis every year, the majority of cases involving elders over the age of 60. But this does not mean that the condition is unavoidable.

Causes of Plantar Fasciitis

Other than natural wear and tear, plantar fasciitis can be caused or worsened by abnormal foot shapes, such having high arches or being flatfooted. Obesity and rapid weight gain, like what is experienced by pregnant women, can increase the pressure on the bottom of your feet, eventually causing plantar fasciitis. Spending hours and hours on your feet each day will also increase your chances of developing plantar fasciitis; the condition is also called “policeman’s heel” for a reason. If your job requires you to stay on your feet or in one place, ensure you are wearing properly fitted footwear or ask your supervisor for a chair.

How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis

Some doctors may recommend surgery or steroid injections to correct plantar fasciitis. Other than causing significant risk of side effects or infection, these methods are also not entirely guaranteed to work. Instead of resorting to surgical methods or prescription medicines, you should consider extracorporeal pulse activation technology (EPAT) sessions here at ProFysio Physical Therapy.

Our Aberdeen physical therapists can use EPAT to stimulate natural healing processes under your skin and in tissues, such as your plantar fascia. Most patients require less than an hour of EPAT therapy a week to start feeling relief from foot pain. And, best of all, the procedure does not require surgery, anesthesia, or any sort of risky medicine.

Contact us today to learn more about how EPAT could treat your plantar fasciitis.

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