Blogs from March, 2016


Whether a person is training to improve their athletic performance or to recover from an injury, strength and conditioning therapy can be greatly beneficial to help a person reach their fitness goals. While the benefits of conditioning therapy are undeniable, many fitness clinics and gyms have begun pushing standardized, “cookie cutter” workouts on people as a means of providing solutions to people’s fitness needs in bulk. These stock workouts, while effective for some, have an overall much smaller chance of helping a person achieve the results they desire. Why is this, you ask? The answer is simple: everyone is different, therefore one workout will not satisfy everyone’s needs and goals.

Why Is a Customized Strength Training Routine Important?

Genetics, body composition, gender, lifestyle, diet, and preexisting medical conditions are just some of the myriad of different factors that can affect how a patient’s body will react to a particular strength training routine. If these factors are not taken into consideration from the beginning of a person’s fitness regiment, certain workouts could be rendered ineffective or even detrimental to a person’s progression, especially if a person is attempting to recover from surgery or a serious injury.

Upon diagnosing a patient’s specific needs, a physical therapy trainer can put together a custom plan of exercises and stretches to help improve function and foster more efficient muscle development. With a customized plan, a person can avoid aggravating injuries with improper exercises and greatly improve their chances of achieving successful results.

Strength Conditioning Therapy in Monmouth County

At ProFysio Physical Therapy, our Monmouth County physical therapists intentionally limit our schedule to treating no more than two patients per hour, allowing us to dedicate the necessary time and attention to help you achieve maximum results. With plans that are specifically geared towards each individual person’s needs, we can pinpoint your areas that need attention and work towards strengthening the zones that need it most.

Call (732) 333-6360 or schedule an appointment today to find out more about how we can help!

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