Blogs from August, 2018


Factors that Contribute to the Development of CTE

If you pay any attention to professional football, you’ve probably heard of chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE). Many athletes sustain repeated blows to the head during their athletic tenure, resulting in permanent brain damage, mental illness, and death.

This is because CTE starts with repeated brain trauma, which many athletes experience while playing contact sports. Many people assume CTE originates from concussions or multiple concussions, but even more minor subconcussive blows could contribute to the development of the disease.

After a person has received multiple traumatic blows to the head, Tau proteins in the brain begin to coagulate and kill cells throughout the brain. However, even while this is occurring, the signs of CTE aren’t obvious right away. In many cases, CTE takes years to fully manifest itself, at which point it typically takes the form of intense acting out and major issues with cognition, memory, and critical thinking.

Is My Child or Student Athlete at Risk for Developing CTE?

Some studies suggest that children who begin experiencing repetitive brain trauma before the age of 12 are more likely to develop CTE than those who do not experience traumatic blows to the head until they are older. Your child may be at risk if they have had or plan to have a years-long career playing somewhat violent sports, such as boxing, football, soccer, or hockey. Children who experience domestic violence are also more likely to develop CTE.

Potential Signs of CTE

Be particularly mindful of the symptoms of CTE if you or someone you love has played contact sports for years, been involved in military combat, experienced domestic abuse, or been in multiple violent encounters.

Some common signs of CTE include:

  • Negative changes in mood or personality
  • Migraines and headaches
  • Difficulty remembering things
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • New cognitive difficulty, such as trouble speaking or performing simple tasks

Can Concussion Therapy Prevent the Development of CTE?

While CTE is unlikely to develop due to a single concussion, you can’t be too careful when it comes to allowing your brain to heal itself. Seeking out concussion therapy is likely a wise move, regardless of the severity of your injury, especially because the likelihood of experiencing another concussion is greater if you do not let the first one heal. In fact, proper concussion therapy after a head injury could save you or your loved one from developing CTE in the future.

Got a Concussion in Monmouth County? Call Our Aberdeen Physical Therapists Today at (732) 333-6360 for Help.

At ProFysio Physical Therapy, we provide top-notch concussion therapy in Aberdeen. We serve people of all ages who have suffered major, traumatic blows to the head, as well as more minor, subconcussive hits.

Anywhere else, you’ll likely hear that the best medicine for a concussion is to stay in bed. While rest is certainly recommended, our concussion physical therapy allows you do move about safely and hang on to as much of your cognitive ability as possible by remaining active.

Don’t wait until you’ve already had multiple concussions to get the help you need. Come to ProFysio Physical Therapy first and ensure you and your loved ones are protected from the deadly effects of CTE. Connect with a member of our team immediately and schedule your consultation.

Call (732) 333-6360 now to speak to one of our Monmouth county physical therapists.

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