Blogs from February, 2018


The plantar fascia is the thick tendon that connects your toes and your heel. When it is stretched too far or is under excessive strain, it can tear and cause intense pain and swelling. This can make it very painful to walk, exercise, wear certain types of shoes, and get around. If you are experiencing plantar fasciitis, you are likely already aware of the great pain and difficulty it can impose on your life and are looking for a way out.

If you are in the Aberdeen area and are interested in exploring treatments for plantar fasciitis, call ProFysio Physical Therapy today at (732) 333-6360 for help.

What is Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Treatment (EPAT)?

EPAT is a non-invasive, FDA-approved method for treating pain and discomfort in the tendons and muscles. When you receive this treatment, a physician uses gel to cover the affected area and then applies the EPAT device to the skin surface. Over the course of about 15 minutes, the EPAT device emits sound waves while placing pressure on the area where you are experiencing pain in order to stimulate tissue regeneration.

EPAT for Plantar Fasciitis

At ProFysio Physical Therapy, we offer Extracorporeal Pulse Activation Treatment (EPAT) for people experiencing pain and discomfort stemming from plantar fasciitis. It has proven effective for many patients and can even alleviate pain entirely, allowing you to once again bear weight on the affected foot and engage in normal activities like running, jogging, dancing, and more.

However, EPAT is not a one-and-done treatment. In order to effectively treat plantar fasciitis and regain pain-free function, you will likely have to complete an EPAT regimen involving a series of treatments spanning several months, or it may not have the desired effect.

EPAT is safe, effective, and applicable to other heel- and foot-related issues. Even if the source of your discomfort is not plantar fasciitis, it may still be a valuable treatment to explore.

EPAT Therapy in Aberdeen and Monmouth County, NJ – Call (732) 333-6360 Today

If you are interested in enlisting the help of licensed professionals and compassionate care providers, call ProFysio Physical Therapy today. Our experienced team has helped many people in your shoes find solutions to the pain that holds them back, and we are prepared to do the same for you. Even if EPAT turns out to be the wrong treatment for your pain, we can work with you until you find a treatment that effectively alleviates your pain. With years of experience and thousands of satisfied clients, we know what it takes to properly identify the problem and create customized care plans that work.

Schedule your initial consultation with one of our Doctors of Physical Therapy today and take your first step toward recovery.

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