Blogs from January, 2018


The Right Way to Get Back into Weightlifting

Most people walk into the New Year with a desire to start fresh and take better care of themselves. This usually looks like diving into a challenging workout regimen and eating a lot more green stuff (at least for a few weeks). However, if you’re a recovering couch potato and haven’t kept up a regular exercise routine for a while, your good intentions may exceed your current physical abilities. You could sustain a number of serious injuries by going too hard too fast. If you do, you’ll end up right back on the couch where you started, but more discouraged and sedentary than before (and probably eating the snack food you swore you were going to cut out this year).

How to Prevent Common Weightlifting Injuries

The good news is that, when it comes to lifting weights, there’s hope for every couch potato. No matter how long it’s been since your last visit to the gym, you can get back to building muscle, burning fat, and pumping some iron. In order to make it happen and meet your fitness goals this year, you will have to consciously steer clear of these weightlifting injuries:

  • SLAP Tears: Similar to a rotator cuff injury, a tear in the Superior Labrum Anterior and Posterior can limit the range of motion in your arm, cause intense pain when raising your arm past a certain point, and keep you from lifting much weight. You can avoid this painful, potentially debilitating injury by not hitting the bench right away. Always make sure to warm up, stretch, and prepare your arms and shoulders for strenuous physical activity before lifting anything.
  • Herniated Discs: This one is almost always caused by poor form. In fact, bad posture (which is considered persistent poor form) can make it more difficult for you to life weights and perform full body lifts and intensive exercises without hurting yourself. In order to avoid disc herniation or other damage to your spine, always ensure your spine is in proper position when performing any sort of motion (but especially while lifting any weight). Avoid hunching, throwing shoulders too far back, etc.
  • Knee Injuries: This is one of the most common sports injuries and a regular culprit behind dashed New Year’s dreams. It can stem from any number of problems, from caloric deficiency to core weakness to malalignment of the legs and back. However, like herniated discs, the most common cause is poor form. No matter what sport you’re playing, what level of weight you’re lifting, or what sort of exercise you are engaging in, you can prevent knee injury and pain by always keeping an eye on your knees and toes. For example, when doing squats, ensure your knees do not go over your toes. You can also alleviate pressure placed on the knees by increasing muscle strength in your glutes, thighs, and lower back muscles.

Experienced Physical Therapists in Aberdeen, NJ

Perhaps you’re on the other end of this scenario and you’ve already been hurt while lifting weights, or perhaps an old injury is holding you back from being as healthy and physically fit as you’d like to be. At ProFysio Physical Therapy, we know that the source of every injury must be identified before you can make a complete recovery. Whether you have knee pain, a stress fracture, a torn rotator cuff, or some undiagnosed pain and discomfort, our Aberdeen physical therapy team is here to help make a complete recovery.

Book your consultation today by calling (732) 333-6360 or send us a message to get started.

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