Blogs from September, 2019


It’s an exciting time for most people: You’re moving to a new home. However, it’s not an exaggeration that the process of moving may be a huge drag and your friends will likely scatter to the winds rather than volunteer to help you. Moving is labor-intensive and can get a massive workout, and if you’re not prepared, you can do harm to your body and you’ll enjoy your new home less and dread the unpacking process. The move itself can be taxing on your body, and even the smallest mistakes can cause painful injuries. As you gear up to move to your new home, review our tips for a safer move that will protect you from harm.

Proper lifting techniques include:

  • Plan ahead: If you can afford it, don’t rely on your friends to help you move – hire professional movers. Once you’ve determined how you’ll handle the move, create a schedule and set deadlines and make reasonable goals for your unpacking timeline.
  • Clear your path in advance: Make sure your path is clear from the moving vehicle to your new residence. This can help you avoid any awkward jerky movement that would strain your muscles. Make sure there are no objects in the open to avoid tripping.
  • Lift with your knees, not your back: When you go to pick up an object, face it head on and avoid twist. Stand close to the object and bend your knees and keep your back straight when lifting it.
  • Ask for help: Don’t think you can move, even to a studio apartment, without help. If an object is to heavy or awkward (hello, refrigerator?), then ask for help. Don’t stack boxes one on top of the other, either. Make multiple trips so boxes don’t shift and fall as your carry them.
  • Gather the essential tools: There are plenty of tools to make moving easier. These include dollies, hand trucks, sliders, and moving gloves. Use them!

Injured During a Move? Seek the Help of a Physical Therapist.

Even with careful planning, accidents can happen during the moving process. If you’ve strained or sprained a muscle during a move, make sure to address it quickly. What starts as a minor back injury can quickly become a chronic pain. Seek early intervention and book your appointment today with ProFysio!

Want to learn more moving tips? Book an appointment with ProFysio by contacting us today at (732) 812-5200.

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