Blogs from September, 2023

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Is Your Dizziness Chronic? Here's What You Can Do.

Chronic dizziness is an unsettling sensation of feeling unsteady or experiencing a false sense of motion, which persists over an extended period. Unlike occasional dizziness, which could be a momentary feeling of lightheadedness, chronic dizziness is continuous and often interferes with daily life.

Understanding the underlying causes and treatment options can be the first step toward effectively managing and treating this condition.

Call ProFysio Physical Therapy at (732) 812-5200 to schedule treatment for chronic dizziness in New Jersey.

What Causes Chronic Dizziness?

Chronic dizziness can be attributed to a variety of underlying health conditions. Common causes include neurologic disorders such as Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis, cardiovascular conditions like low blood pressure and arrhythmias, and metabolic disorders like hypoglycemia and dehydration. Certain medications may also induce chronic dizziness as a side effect.

It is vital to know that chronic dizziness is not a standalone disease but a symptom of underlying health issues. Rather than treating the dizziness in isolation, seeking medical advice for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan is crucial.

Differentiating Chronic Dizziness from Similar Conditions

Differentiating chronic dizziness from similar conditions is critical to identifying its cause. For instance, conditions like vertigo, presyncope, and disequilibrium also present with symptoms that may be confused with dizziness.

Vertigo specifically involves a spinning sensation, either of oneself or the surrounding environment, and is often related to problems in the inner ear or brain. On the other hand, presyncope is characterized by feelings of faintness or lightheadedness, as if one might pass out. It's typically associated with cardiovascular issues, like irregular heart rhythms or sudden drops in blood pressure.

Disequilibrium, or trouble maintaining balance, may feel like being unsteady on one's feet, often resulting from sensory conditions or musculoskeletal problems. It's distinct from chronic dizziness, a persistent feeling of unsteadiness or false motion that doesn't necessarily correlate with specific movements or positions.

Treatment Options for Chronic Dizziness

Effective treatment of chronic dizziness involves addressing its root cause and may include lifestyle changes, medication, physical therapy, or, in some cases, surgery.

Lifestyle Changes

Some lifestyle modifications can aid in managing chronic dizziness, such as staying hydrated to prevent dehydration-related dizziness, maintaining a healthy diet to avoid hypoglycemia, and limiting intake of caffeine and alcohol.

Regular exercise can also strengthen the cardiovascular system, potentially reducing dizziness related to blood pressure issues.


Various types of medication may be used to manage chronic dizziness, depending on the underlying cause. It's essential to consult a healthcare provider for appropriate recommendations, as each of these treatment options has specific uses and potential side effects.

Here are some common types of medication that could be considered:

  • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs): These are often prescribed to treat anxiety disorders, which can sometimes contribute to feelings of chronic dizziness. They work by increasing the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of well-being and happiness, in the brain.
  • Anti-Migraine Medication: Chronic dizziness can be a symptom of migraines. In such cases, medication specifically designed to prevent or reduce the severity of migraines might be used.
  • Benzodiazepines: These are often used to manage anxiety and panic disorders. They may be helpful when chronic dizziness is linked to these conditions, but they should be used cautiously due to the risk of dependency.
  • Antihistamines or Anticholinergics: These are commonly used to treat allergies but can also help relieve symptoms of chronic dizziness. They work by blocking the action of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that can cause dizziness when it's out of balance.

Physical Therapy (Vestibular Rehabilitation)

Vestibular rehabilitation therapy (VRT) is a highly effective form of physical therapy that utilizes specialized exercises to improve balance and alleviate dizziness-related issues. By targeting inner ear deficits, VRT facilitates central nervous system compensation, resulting in substantial enhancements in balance and significant reductions in symptoms of dizziness. This comprehensive approach addresses the immediate concerns of chronic dizziness and promotes long-term stability and overall well-being.

With its tailored exercises and patient-centered approach, VRT empowers individuals to regain control over their vestibular system, enhancing their quality of life and restoring confidence in everyday activities.

How ProFysio Physical Therapy Can Help

ProFysio Physical Therapy's Vestibular & Balance Rehabilitation service is specifically designed to provide effective care for patients struggling with chronic dizziness. Our team of highly trained therapists utilizes advanced techniques and state of the art equipment to assess and treat chronic dizziness, helping patients regain their balance and improve their quality of life.

With a personalized approach and a focus on long-term management, we are dedicated to helping our patients overcome the challenges associated with chronic dizziness and achieve optimal well-being.

Call (732) 812-5200 or contact ProFysio Physical Therapy online to get started with Vestibular rehabilitation therapy in New Jersey today.
