Blogs from September, 2023

The Risks of Ignoring Physical Therapy After an Injury

Physical therapy plays a vital role in recovery from various injuries. It can improve mobility, manage pain and other chronic conditions, recover from or prevent a sports injury, and prevent future injuries. Despite its numerous benefits, some people may ignore physical therapy after injury. This decision can lead to severe consequences.

The Importance of Physical Therapy in Healing

Physical therapy is designed to restore normal function to your body, particularly after an injury or surgery has compromised it. It involves exercises that target specific muscle groups to regain strength and flexibility. For example, after a knee replacement surgery, a physical therapist may recommend exercises focusing on the leg muscles to aid in walking normally again.

Ignoring physical therapy could mean a more extended recovery period, increased pain, and a higher probability of re-injury. For instance, a sprained ankle might seem minor but could lead to chronic instability without proper treatment.

Contact a staff member at Profysio Physical Therapy at F:P:Sub:Phone} to learn more about our services and how we can help you recover and live pain-free.

Injuries That Benefit from Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can be beneficial for a wide variety of injuries. It aids pain management, improves mobility, and accelerates healing.

Specific types of injuries that can significantly benefit from physical therapy include:

Sports Injuries: Common sports injuries like sprains, strains, fractures, or tears can benefit from physical therapy. Therapists use techniques like manual therapy, exercises, or modalities like ultrasound to reduce pain and inflammation, promote healing, and strengthen the muscles to prevent future injuries.

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation: After surgeries like joint replacements, ACL reconstruction, or rotator cuff repair, physical therapy is essential. It aids in regaining strength, flexibility, and functionality in the affected area and shortens the recovery time.

Spinal Cord Injuries: Physical therapy can help improve muscle strength, coordination, and balance in patients with spinal cord injuries. This can lead to improved mobility and independence.

Stroke or Neurological Disorders: Patients recovering from a stroke or dealing with neurological disorders like Parkinson’s or multiple sclerosis can benefit significantly from physical therapy. It helps improve balance, gait, strength, and overall mobility and can even assist with tasks like swallowing and speech.

Musculoskeletal Disorders: Conditions like back pain, arthritis, or osteoporosis can be managed effectively with physical therapy. It can decrease pain, improve mobility, and enhance quality of life.

Pediatric Injuries or Conditions: Children with developmental delays, genetic disorders, or injuries can benefit from physical therapy. It can aid in achieving developmental milestones and improving motor skills.

Chronic Pain: Chronic pain conditions like fibromyalgia can be managed with physical therapy. Therapists teach pain management techniques and exercises to help improve function and quality of life.

The “how” part of physical therapy involves various techniques like manual therapy (hands-on mobilization of soft tissues and joints), therapeutic exercises, neuromuscular re-education (retraining muscles and nerves to work together), and patient education about the injury and recovery process. The specific techniques will depend on the type of injury and individual patient needs.

Physical therapy is not a one-size-fits-all approach. A good physical therapist will tailor a program to your specific needs to help you recover from your injury as effectively as possible.

Common Reasons for Ignoring Physical Therapy

Despite its importance, people may have reasons for ignoring physical therapy. Some common reasons include:

  • Perceived lack of time: Some patients feel they don’t have enough time to commit to physical therapy sessions.
  • Underestimating the severity of the injury: You might think the injury isn’t severe enough to warrant physical therapy.
  • Fear of pain: Some people associate physical therapy with pain and discomfort.
  • Financial constraints: The cost of physical therapy can be a deterrent for some individuals.

Risks of Ignoring Physical Therapy

Ignoring physical therapy after an injury can lead to several risks. The injury might not heal properly without the correct treatment, leading to long-term discomfort or chronic pain. Ignoring physical therapy could result in stiffness and a reduced range of movement.

Without proper rehabilitation, the injured area may be prone to increased risk of re-injury and further damage.

Advice for Those Considering Skipping Physical Therapy

If you’re contemplating skipping physical therapy, it’s crucial to understand the potential consequences. You should take the following steps to become better informed about your situation.

Consult with Professionals

Talk to medical and physical therapy professionals about the benefits and necessity of therapy in your specific situation.

Explore Different Options

If cost is an issue, look for clinics that offer payment plans or sliding scale fees. Some organizations may provide physical therapy at reduced rates or even for free.

Commit to the Process

Understand that healing takes time and patience. Commit to attending all sessions and perform exercises as advised by your therapist.

Choose Profysio Physical Therapy

The team at Profysio Physical Therapy, serving Monmouth and Middlesex Counties, is dedicated to helping patients understand the importance of physical therapy in injury recovery. Our experienced physical therapists work with you to develop a tailored treatment plan for your needs and circumstances.

Ignoring physical therapy can delay your recovery and potentially lead to further complications. However, with professional guidance and a commitment to your treatment plan, you can overcome your injury and regain your former strength and mobility.

We serve Aberdeen, Edison, East Brunswick, Middletown, and Old Bridge, New Jersey.

Request your appointment or call us at (732) 812-5200 today.