Blogs from March, 2018


Contact ProFysio Physical Therapy Today by Calling (732) 333-6360.

Having surgery on your wrist may sound relatively minor – but if you’ve experienced it, you know just how limiting it can be. After surgery, you may have great difficulty performing normal tasks and need a lot of helping doing daily activities. The goal, of course, is to get back to normal and become equally or more functional than you were before your surgery.

Physical therapy is a great way to make that happen. If you have recently undergone surgery for a wrist fracture, don’t endure months of pain without seeking a solution. Though you may wish to wait until the pain from your surgery has subsided, it may be wise to get ahead of the curve by starting physical therapy as soon as possible.

Pain and Discomfort After Wrist Fracture Surgery

The wrist is where the ulna, radius, and carpal bones meet. When these are broken or knocked out of place, it can put your entire hand out of commission until it is repaired. When you break your wrist, you will likely experience a number of uncomfortable symptoms, including:

  • Swelling
  • Intense pain
  • Tenderness and sensitivity
  • Reduced ability to grab and hold onto things
  • Loss of feeling

Put simply, there’s no way to push through this one – and, if your wrist is truly broken, it won’t heal on its own. However, even after surgery, you may find that your ability to move and perform normal functions is still highly limited and uncomfortable. That’s where physical therapy comes in.

How Physical Therapy Can Help You Regain Use of Your Wrist

Surgery is a great start, but it isn’t always enough to get you to where you want to be.

The bones aren’t the only things affected after you experience a break. While your wrist has been out of use during surgery and recovery up to this point, your muscles have been growing weaker. Strengthening the muscles in the wrist is essential to avoiding re-injury and making a full recovery, and performing the right strengthening and stretching motions will require the help of an experienced physical therapy team.

When you come on with ProFysio Physical Therapy, we can help you work on flexion, extension, supination, pronation, and improving your wrists weight-bearing capabilities. Be advised that you can’t achieve the same effect just by squeezing a tennis ball or “toughing it out.” In order to preserve full use of your wrist, you’re going to need the right support.

We can help you get back to full function and make a complete recovery from your wrist fracture surgery. Contact us to schedule your first appointment today.

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