Blogs from April, 2023

Tips for Reaching Health and Wellness Goals, Even When It’s Difficult

Self-efficacy is an important factor to focus on when motivating oneself to engage in physical therapy treatments. You have ownership of your health and wellbeing, and a physical therapist can help you successfully meet your physical goals and healthcare needs.

To learn more about how to stay motivated during your physical therapy program, schedule a consultation with a team member today. Contact ProFysio Physical Therapy at (732) 812-5200 to begin.

Reaching Recovery Goals with Physical Therapy

Staying on top of physical therapy treatments (especially those prescribed for you to do on your own) can be a challenge. Being motivated to make a change in behavior is an internal process, and it begins with an individual making a decision for themselves, and then taking the necessary steps to create the desired outcome.

This can involve establishing personal goals, visualizing success, and developing positive thinking patterns. No matter what challenges you're facing, there are countless examples of individuals who have made it through similar situations and are now able to live comfortably once again. You can get there, too!

Here are some steps you can take to encourage yourself to accomplish your physical tasks and ambitions:

  1. Break down your exercises into achievable chunks. This way, it's easier to track your progress and stay motivated.
  2. Set aside time for completing your exercises or stretches. Make sure to plan them around your schedule during a time when you can fully focus on them.
  3. Ask for help from friends and family. Having someone else to motivate and encourage you can really help when feeling low energy.
  4. Make use of technology. Apps and videos can make physical therapy homework more fun and engaging!

Physical therapists have a specific knowledge of musculoskeletal conditions that may be affecting an individual's ability to exercise, thus enabling them to develop tailored plans for helping patients achieve their goals. Your physical therapist can help you identify any potential barriers that may be getting in the way of exercise, then provide guidance on how to cope with these limitations. This includes providing education, stretches, pain relief methods, and other treatments that can help you stay active and remain healthy.

A Physical Therapist Can Help You Stay on Track

Research indicates that evidence-based physical therapy interventions are beneficial in reducing pain, improving functional performance, and increasing a patient’s satisfaction in their overall health and wellness.

Your physical therapist will make sure you’re progressing at a steady rate and reaching obtainable goals over time. To get started on a physical therapy program, don’t hesitate to contact us today. Give us a call at (732) 812-5200 to schedule your initial consultation.